DCHAS-L: This listserv is provided to all CHAS members (and some ACS and CCS officials). The forum is used for safety based questions, discuss safety concerns, post lessons-learned, post EHS employment opportunities, announce CHAS activities to the entire division, and share the latest chemical related incidents. Members make up a diverse group comprised of safety professionals (with a wide range of backgrounds and careers) who share their experiences, insight, and knowledge and mentor other safety professionals. Archives of the list are at http://www.ilpi.com/dchas/index.html. Request a trial subscription by contacting the Membership Chair at membership@dchas.org.
DCHAS-LST: This listserv is available for those interested in Laboratory Safety Teams. To request to be added, contact the Membership Chair at membership@dchas.org.
DCHAS-EC: This listserv is provided to the executive committee for conducting official CHAS business. All officers and chairs are automatically included in this discussion list as well as active volunteers.
For more information about listservs, contact the Membership Chair at membership@dchas.org