CHAS-developed videos

produced by Blue Seat Studios

Integrated Science Safety Instruction (Education/Training) – The Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) recommends the use of consistent definitions in the chemistry curriculum and in developing safety materials for instruction and in communicating with fellow instructors and safety professionals. This video has a supporting recommendation at:…

Why Should We Do Laboratory Chemical Risk Assessments? – Laboratory Chemical Risk Assessments are an important habit to develop in the research laboratory. This video outlines how they are done and some of the key reasons that they are important.

Working in the Lab Alone?…What IF… – Laboratory Chemical Risk Assessments are an important habit to develop in the research laboratory. This video outlines how they are done and some of the key reasons that they are important.

Quality Data for Safer Experiments – Laboratory researchers need to plan their safety and data collection practices to support sharing their work with the scientific community. The RAMP and FAIR tools help organize this work into a reproducible process that helps both the researcher and their peers.

Lab Worker’s Guide to Better Ventilation – Modern laboratory ventilation is a complex topic with many stakeholders and intersecting technologies that impact health, safety and sustainability concerns. This complexity can sometimes create confusion for both lab occupants and support staff in addressing ventilation concerns that arise. To support effective discussion of this challenge between lab workers, facility staff and environmental health and safety professionals, the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) has partnered with the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS) to develop this video to help both lab occupants and support staff understand their roles and responsibilities in address lab ventilation concerns.