Chemical Safety Education Resources

Guides and Education Resources from ACS –

ACS Center for Lab Safety Videos & Webinars
Learn about best safety practices in academic labs with ACS videos

Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Secondary Schools
This publication includes 53 learning outcomes for students and clear, concise explanations for teachers on select safety topics including basic safety information, RAMP, GHS, Fire Safety, NFPA, hazardous waste, and SDSs.

ACS Guidelines and Recommendations for Teaching High School Chemistry
Laboratory safety is included in these Guidelines with information on safety equipment and references as well as a discussion of “RAMP” principles. Revised in 2018.

ACS Guidelines for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs
In addition to sections on Safety Culture and Laboratory Safety, the development of a safety culture in the institution is woven throughout the Guidelines.

Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Academic Institutions
This publication presents 104 chemical safety learning objectives for undergraduate curriculum designers and instructors and outlines how learning should progress into graduate education based on RAMP. Published in 2016.

ACS Approval Program for Bachelor’s Degree Programs includes the Guidelines and supplements to the Guidelines.
The Guidelines represent the requirements for a department to offer an approved bachelor’s degree program, and the characteristics of that program, including a mandatory safety skills requirement for the department to follow, and the students to learn about. The Safety Supplement to ACS Guidelines: describes in further detail the aspects of safety development that a program must implement, and for the students to understand as part of their education in chemistry.

Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories
This 8th Edition of the CCS flagship publication Introduces RAMP and communicates practical laboratory safety information to first- and second-year undergraduate students. Includes Arabic translation.

Teaching Chemical Safety and Information Skills Using Risk Assessment
Part of in Integrating Information Literacy into the Chemistry Curriculum, this chapter demonstrates how risk assessment (JHAs) can be used to teach information skills and safety competencies by providing rationale and examples (including assessment data) which can be incorporated into undergraduate learning.

Identifying and Evaluating Hazards in Research Laboratories publication and website
This online reference presents a detailed introduction to the academic research community on risk assessment and provides practical examples using five techniques: Control Banding, Job Hazard Analysis, What-if, Checklists, and SOPs.

Accessibility in the Laboratory
This symposium book integrates safety into broader best practice discussions for students with a range of accessibility issues, including topics such as visual and hearing impairments, invisible and physical disabilities, service dogs, and more.

ACS Style Guide Safety Chapter
The 2019 Edition of the ACS Style Guide will include, for the first time, a chapter designed to provide guidance for authors and reviewers on how to prepare and include publication appropriate safety summaries in manuscripts.

C&EN SafetyZone blog and safety articles
Ongoing coverage of chemical safety related news item

Chemical Safety Education Resources from outside the ACS –

American Association of Chemistry Teachers 
The AACT provides safety programming as part of its outreach to high school chemistry teachers.

Safe Science; Promoting a Culture of Safety in Academic Chemical Research
Examines the culture of safety in research institutions and makes recommendations for university leadership, laboratory researchers, and environmental health and safety professionals to support safety as a core value of their institutions.

A Guide to Implementing Safety Culture
Roadmap for a university-wide effort to strengthen a culture of research safety. The guide has action steps, resources, and recommendations to help navigate the challenge of changing the culture of the institution. Includes reading lists, tools, strategies, illustrative examples, and/or best practices.

Inquiring Safely
Introduction of General Safety in the classroom for Middle School. Encourages safety within a climate of inquiry incorporates inclusion adjustments. Responsibility guidelines included.

Dow Chemical Safety Videos library
Videos that cover industrial safety culture and practices for laboratory safety. Each module covers information that has worked successfully at Dow. It includes basic explanations of the topics and relates them to safety. Dow’s granted ACS an opportunity to use the videos in its upcoming e-learning safety course.

US Chemical Safety Board case studies and videos
Videos describing lessons from significant safety incidents, including academic and high school laboratories.

Practical Guide To Chemical Safety in the UK
The web page outlines the practical aspects of chemical safety programs in the UK, where the regulatory context is different than from the US setting.

ACS Safety Guidance –

(overarching frameworks for organizations to use to build a safety foundation and culture)

Safety Tools

(resources for demos, classroom activities, and events that develop safety awareness and knowledge)

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