Grants for Development in Safety

DCHAS Grants 2022

DCHAS Grant Application for Development of Graduate/Post Doc Students in Safety

Grant Purpose: To fund the mentorship and development of engaged graduate student leaders in safety programs. The definition of safety programs includes (but is not limited to) symposium development and participation at national, regional, or local section meetings, new approved workshop development which meets goals of CHAS, K-12 outreach safety programing for teachers or students, or ACS leadership/professional development events.

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Applications are accepted anytime during the funding period (calendar year) until the funds are depleted. 

Approval Process: The DCHAS Chair and Treasurer will review and make a recommendation to the DCHAS Executive Committee (EC). The EC will consider the grant application at their next meeting.

Successful applicants will be expected to submit a project status report to be included in the division’s annual ACS report. The report is due 12/31 and should be sent to the Division Secretary and the Awards Chair.