CHAS Volunteer Opportunities 2023

How to get involved – Volunteers can contribute by participating in specific projects or on committees, participation in technical programming as an organizer or presenter, or can assume assigned roles as a chair of one of the various committees or through service in an elected role (usually a 3-year commitment). The incoming chair of the division is responsible for appointed chairs for the next calendar year, so this can be a good person to start with. Contact with your interest!

New volunteers typically start small- show up to a few events and listen in to how the activities work.  You could also present a poster or give a talk, or sign up to volunteer at the booth with an experienced CHAS member.  As you gain experience, you might decide to organize/co-chair a session or participate on a committee (just contact the committee chair and ask where they need help!).  Heck, you might even want to run for an elected position.  In any case- start early and talk to us…we’re not going to let anyone fail at this!

Volunteer Activity Support – Material support and expenses for sanctioned division activities are reimbursed by the division (supplies for workshops, costs for awards, etc.).  Volunteers that serve in elected or appointed roles are provided some financial support (based on role) for their participation in national meetings or other official activities.  The treasurer can provide guidance on how to claim expenses and what roles are supported so just ask!

CHAS LOGO ATTIRE – How do I get one of those cool shirts? CHAS Shirts are available at Land’s End ( for purchase.


Membership Committee
  • Social Media Manager: The Social Media Manager will handle CHAS’s social media accounts, posting content they generate or solicit from other CHAS volunteers and answering questions about CHAS from social media (or routing the question to the right committee chair). Time commitment: 1-2 hr/wk typically.
  • Newsletter Editor: The Newsletter editor publishes the CHAS newsletter every two months, soliciting content from other volunteers, editing and sending the newsletter by electronic mail. This position does not necessarily involve a lot of writing. Time commitment: 2-3 hours/month.
Program Committee
  • Symposium/program organizers: Organizers recruit speakers for and/or preside over sessions or panels. Time commitment variable pre-session but normally on the order of 3-5 hours total/session.
  • Symposium/program ideators: Ideators come up with ideas for programming—symposia, panels, collaborative programming with other Divisions and Society Committees—and work with Members-at-Large to generate program ideas that match meeting themes where possible. Time commitment depends on how many ideas you have.
  • Annual Meeting Chair: The Annual Meeting Chair (there is one for each meeting) is responsible for overall decisions on which symposia to offer, managing session scheduling, and (with the help of the Program Chair) working with ACS Meetings & Exhibitions staff to ensure that rooms are reserved, equipment is ordered, and other little details are ironed out. Time commitment varies from nearly nothing at the beginning to slightly frenetic during deadline periods and at meetings.
  • Deputy Program Chair: Learn the ropes about Program management, scheduling, etc. and assist the Program Chair. Time commitment depends on how deep you wade into the details of programming.
Web Presence Committee
  • Content creators/reposters: Content creators/reposters generate new CHAS-related content for social media, the CHAS website, and other publications; they also identify non-CHAS information of interest to the members so that the content or links to it can be reposted. Time commitment: Variable.
Professional Workshops

Volunteers are always welcome to help develop new workshops.

Awards Committee

Volunteers are always needed to help with advertising the awards and soliciting nominations.

Program Committee

Volunteers are always needed to help develop collaborative programming with other Divisions.

Long Range Planning Committee

Deputy Long Range Planning Chair: Apprentice with the current Chair to learn how to develop future direction for the Division, including fall and spring program topics, awards expansion, policy changes, bylaw amendments, administrative manual changes, membership involvement, etc.

Development Committee
  • Database developers: Help create a database of potential sponsors and other opportunities to help support the Division.
  • Liaisons: Act as a representative from CHAS to vendors, non-profit organizations, corporations, and other potential sponsors and partners for CHAS.
Other Ways to Volunteer
  • Session speakers: Not surprisingly, a speaker gives a presentation or makes panel discussion appearance at a CHAS session; program organizers will help with arrangements and other necessary items so that you can concentrate on your content. Time commitment depends on your topic, presentation skills, and how picky you are that your presentation be perfect! (Report to symposium/program organizer.)
  • Workshop presenter: CHAS presents a variety of technical workshops directed at either seasoned EHS professionals or early-career members. The Education Committee is always looking for new workshop ideas, particularly for the professional workshops. Workshop ideas for the early-career (“peer-led”) programs or those which would appeal to other technical divisions’ membership are also very welcome.

Contact with your interest!