2019 CHAS Awards Symposium Tillmanns-Skolnik Award

Nominations sought for 2021 CHAS awards

The American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Health and Safety is now seeking nominations for the division awards described below.  

**Check out our two new awards for 2021!**

The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2020.  All awardees will be notified by Spring 2021, and awards will be presented at the National ACS meeting in August, 2021.  Please direct all questions and submit nominations to the Awards Chair, Kimi Brown, at awards@dchas.org.  Nomination application forms can be downloaded from the pages linked below.

  • **New for 2021!** Graduate Students: The CHAS Graduate Student Safety Leadership Award is given to recognize a graduate student researcher or recent graduate (within 3 years of latest degree) who demonstrates outstanding leadership in the area of chemical health and safety in their laboratory, research group, or department. Each year the award is dedicated to a different historical figure in chemical safety. The award consists of $2000 as an honorarium and to support travel to the fall national meeting. An optional, additional $500 will be provided to support a new or ongoing project that promotes graduate student safety at the home school.
  • Chemical Health and Safety Professionals: The Howard Fawcett Chemical Health and Safety Award recognizes outstanding individual contributions to the field of Chemical Health and Safety. The award consists of a commemorative plaque and a $500 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.
  • CHAS Division Members: The Tillmanns-Skolnik Award was established in 1984 to recognize and honor outstanding, long-term service to the Division of Chemical Health and Safety. The award consists of a commemorative plaque and a $500 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.
  • Graduate Research Faculty:  The Laboratory Safety Institute Graduate Research Faculty Safety Award recognizes graduate-level academic research faculty who demonstrate outstanding commitment to chemical health and safety in their laboratories. The award consists of an engraved plaque and a $1,000 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.
  • Undergraduate Lab Safety Programs: The SafetyStratus College and University Health and Safety Award is given to recognize the most comprehensive laboratory safety program in higher education (undergraduate study only). The College and University award consists of a commemorative plaque and a $1000 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.
  • Student Conference Presenters: The CHAS Student Registration Award is given to encourage student participation in CHAS programming at ACS national meetingsThe award provides reimbursement in the amount of full-conference registration fee (undergraduate, graduate, or pre-college teacher student rate, as applicable). Two student registration awards are given for each ACS national meeting.

Nominations are also solicited for special service and fellow awards:

  • Chemical Health and Safety Professionals: The CHAS Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a lifetime of dedication and service to the American Chemical Society, the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety, and the field of chemical health and safety.  The awardee gives a 20 – 30 minute keynote presentation at the Awards Symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.
  • CHAS Division Members: The Fellows Awards recognize CHAS members in good standing who have provided continuous service. Nominees who meet the criteria will receive a certificate.

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