Strategic Planning Documents
- CHAS Strategic Plan Final Report 2023
- CHAS Strategic Plan Tracking Spreadsheet 2023
- CHAS Strategic Plan Retreat Files 2023
Strategic Plan Goals and Statuses
GOAL 1 – Cultivate Community – Establish and implement a framework and infrastructure to recruit, onboard, mentor, retain members, and foster internal and external collaborations.

G1S1: Evaluate current governance and committee structure and subsequently restructure in alignment with the strategic plan within the next 6 months.

G1S2: Establish CHAS Communities program including charters and leadership guide within 6 months.

G1S3: Build a communication network that incorporates email, webpage, and social media, and targets the division as a whole, CHAS communities, ACS members, and the general public.

G1S4: Attract new members by clearly defining CHAS Value Propositions and engage them with a formal onboarding process
GOAL 2 – Communicate Best Safety Practices – Through technical programming, education, recognition, and outreach, advance and communicate best safety practices and their value.

G2S1: By 2025, expand technical programming through co-sponsorship of symposia with other Divisions.

G2S2: By the end of 2024, work collaboratively with national ACS, CCS, ACS Publications, ACS Chemical Health and Safety, and Chemical Abstract Services, to implement best practices and amplify health and safety resources using databases, e-publications, and web presence.

G2S3:Increasing awareness of CHAS with local sectors and other divisions
GOAL 3 – Cultivate Community – Develop leaders in chemical safety division, the health and safety profession, and the chemistry enterprise.

G3S1: Design and implement a comprehensive leadership development program for CHAS

G3S2: Establish a member mentoring program

G3S3: Implement a “clearing house” for all educational offerings at every level. Proposers/sponsors to submit abstract, target audience, medium for delivery, cost information to scheduling center foer posting on the CHAS Calendar.