[If you are looking for the LST Workshop (“Empowering Academic Researchers to Strengthen Safety Culture”) or the RAMP Workshop (“RAMP in the Research Lab”), please click here.]
CHAS Professional Development Workshops will be exclusively low-cost, half-day sessions! These presentations will be fast-paced and focused on the topics that you want to learn about most. See below for information about our upcoming workshops and how to sign up online. If you are interested in arranging any of these trainings for your company or local section meetings, contact us at membership@dchas.org.
Note: CHAS no longer holds in-person workshops in conjunction with the ACS National Meetings due to the costs associated with the meeting rooms and attendee travel costs. We now have online workshops via zoom covering the same variety of topics. These are held twice a year, usually 2-4 weeks after national meetings.
Upcoming Workshops
“How to Create a Better Lab Safety Program” – Jim Kaufman, Laboratory Safety Institute
“How to Convince Others (that safety is important and that you’re serious about it)” – Jim Kaufman, Laboratory Safety Institute
“Why Fume Hoods Go Wrong- And How to Make Them Right” – Victor Neuman, FumeHoodCertified.com
“Assessing and Updating Laboratory Safety Protocols for Methylene Chloride” – Timothy Barton, Laboratory Safety Institute
“Laboratory Waste Management” – Russ Phifer, WC Environmental, LLC
“Chemical Safety in the Lab: Purchasing, Handling, Storage, Disposal, and Labeling” – Jim Kaufman, Laboratory Safety Institute
“How to be a More Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer” – Russ Phifer, WC Environmental and Jim Kaufman, Laboratory Safety Institute

On line, registration fee required.
If you have any questions about these workshops, contact us at membership@dchas.org or complete the form below.