The CHAS Awards Committee announces the winners of the 2020 ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS) Awards. Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations and suggestions, and to the Awards Selection Subcommittee members for evaluating the nominees!
Laboratory Safety Institute Graduate Research Faculty Award
Outstanding contribution to the science, technology, education and communication of chemical health and safety: Mahesh K. Mahanthappa, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
SafetyStratus College and University Health and Safety Award
The most comprehensive laboratory safety program in higher education (undergraduate study only): Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory and Environment, Health & Safety Office
Howard Fawcett Award
Contribution to the science, technology, education and communication of chemical health and safety: David Finster, Ph.D.
Tillmanns-Skolnik Award
Outstanding, long-term service to the Division of Chemical Health and Safety: Robin M. Izzo, Princeton University
In addition, the following students received the CHAS Student Registration Award for their CHAS presentations at upcoming national meetings:
Veronica Hayes
University of Connecticut
Jessica Martin
University of Connecticut
More information about each of these awards and nomination forms for 2021 awards can be found at
Kimi Brown, NRCC-CHO, CSP
Chair, CHAS Awards Committee