Category Archives: Reference material

ACS Webinar: How to Safely Manage Chemicals in Educational Settings

May 2023

Most professionals and educators understand the importance of safe chemical management in today’s world. Unfortunately, many undergraduate, graduate, and secondary education programs do not provide equal coverage of this critical competency.

Join Professor of Chemical Education Susan Wiediger of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Safety Education Consultant Samuella B. Sigmann as they discuss the fundamentals and best practices for chemical management, highlighting avenues for individuals to pursue more knowledge.

This ACS Webinar is moderated by Amanda Chung, Chemical Hygiene Officer at the University of North Texas and is co-produced with the ACS Division of Chemical Health & Safety and the Committee on Chemical Safety.

Presenters were Susan Wiediger, Professor, Chemical Education, Department of Chemistry, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Samuella B. Sigmann, Safety Education Consultant & Past Stockroom, Director, and Chemical Hygiene Officer, Appalachian State University (Retired).

What You Will Learn

  • How and why to organize chemicals based on hazard categories
  • Best practices for upkeep and maintenance of chemical storage areas
  • Essential information needed for inventory management including best labeling practices for secondary containers

Webinar Presentation

The transcript of the Q&A following the presentation:

Become a Member

Membership Benefits

Membership in the Division of Chemical Heath and Safety is a powerful tool for chemical health and safety professionals in industry, academia and government. Membership benefits include access to theDCHAS e-mail listserv. This diverse group is comprised of safety professionals (with a wide range of backgrounds and careers) who freely share their experiences, insight, and knowledge when members have questions and serve to mentor safety professionals to help ensure their success. You will also receive notice of papers to be presented and social events at National Meetings.

You can join the Division at the ACS web site at

To receive the ACS Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, you can receive it as a membership benefit by joining the ACS itself at the ACS membership website.
For more information, please contact Taysir Bader, Membership Chair at

About Us

DCHAS is a division of the American Chemical Society. We have about 1700 members and very active in partnering with other divisions and committees of the ACS, as well as sister organizations outside the ACS. We are also the parent division of the ACS Cannabis Subdivision.

Below is a powerpoint summary of the purpose of the Division and its activities. If you would like to share this in an oral presentation, we’ll be glad to share with you the powerpoint file for you to customize for this purpose. Contact for this file.

Vision Statement

Improving people’s lives through the power of best chemical health and safety practices

Mission Statement

The ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety provides authoritative technical resources and mentorship in chemical health and safety for all.

Administrative Information

CHAS Leadership and Committees

CHAS provides chemical safety professionals with professional development opportunities by working on Divisional activities. These opportunities enable members to stay up to date on emerging technical and cultural aspects of chemical safety while networking with peers nationally and globally. Many have found this work to an be important asset both for themselves and the stakeholders they work with. To get involved in the Division’s work, indicate your interest in specific opportunities in the form on this page.

Elected Officers

  • 2024 Chair: Robin Izzo, Princeton University
  • Chair Elect: Michael Koehler, Professional Analysis and Consulting, Inc.
  • Past Chair, Chair of Nominating Committee:   Daniel Kuespert, Johns Hopkins University (Participation by Dr. Kuespert does not constitute or imply endorsement by the Johns Hopkins University or the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System)
  • Treasurer (term ending 2024): Mary Beth Koza, Univ of North Carolina (retired)
  • Secretary (term ending 2026): Monique Wilhelm, University of Michigan-Flint
  • Executive Committee Member‑at‑Large (term ending 2024): Shannon Nephew, SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Executive Committee Member-at-Large (term ending 2025): Kendra Denlinger, Xavier University
  • ACS Councilor (term ending 2025): Kali Aleyse Miller
  • ACS Councilor (term ending 2027): Frankie Wood-Black, Sophic Pursuits, Inc.
  • Alternate ACS Councilor (term ending 2025): Debbie Decker, Univ of California Davis  (retired)
  • Alternate ACS Councilor (term ending 2027): Brandon Chance Southern Methodist University

Committee Chairs


  • National Registry of Certified Chemists: Russ Phifer
  • Committee on Chemical Safety: Ken Fivizzani 
  • ACS Division of Chemistry and the Law: Neal Langerman 
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association: Bill Galdenzi
  • Division of Chemical Education: Dave Finster
  • Divison of Chemistry and the Law: Neal Langerman
  • Committee on International Affairs: Brandon Chase
  • American Intitute of Chemical Engineers: Jerry Jones

CANN Subdivision

  • Chair: Julia Bramante
  • Past Chair: Andrew Pham
  • Vice Chair: Kyle Boyar
  • Secretary: Melissa Wilcox
  • Treasurer: Mary Beth Koza
  • Awards Committee Chair: Michael Coffin
  • Programming Committee Chair: Amber Wise
  • Membership Committee Co-Chairs: Brandon Canfield and Nick Mulder
  • Development Committee Chair: Ezra Pryor
  • Senior Advisory Committee Chair: Harry Elston
  • Publication Committee Chair: Nigam Arora
  • Public Relations Committee Chair: Brittaney Dowd

Leadership History


2022 C. Incarvito M.B. Koza F. Wood-Black, D. Decker

2021 H. Elston M. Wilhelm    M.B. Koza    F. Wood-Black, D. Decker

2020 R. Izzo M. Wilhelm    M.B. Koza    F. Wood-Black, D. Decker

2019    S. Sigmann    M. Wilhelm    M.B. Koza    F. Wood-Black, D. Decker

2018    J. Pickel    M. Wilhelm    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, D. Decker

2017    H. Elston    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, R. Hill

2016    J. Palmer    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, R. Hill

2015    D. Decker    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, R. Hill

2014    K. Fivizzani    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, R. Hill

2013    D. Schmidt    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, G. Wahl

2012    K. Jeskie    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, G. Wahl

2011    K. Fivizzani    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, G. Wahl

2010    S. Wawzyniecki    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    F. Wood-Black, G. Wahl

2009    R. Phifer    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    G. Wahl

2008    E. Talley    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    K. Benedict G. Wahl

2007    B. Foster    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    K. Benedict G. Wahl

2006    J. Kapin    R. Stuart    N. Langerman    K. Benedict G. Wahl

2005    R. Phifer    B. Foster    E. Talley    E. Segal G. Wahl

2004    Neal Langerman    B. Foster    E. Talley    E. Segal G. Wahl

2003    Robert Hill    R. Phifer    E. Talley    E. Segal M. Solstad G. Wahl

2002    J. Palmer    R. Phifer    E. Talley    E. Segal M. Solstad G. Wahl

2001    F. Wood-Black    R. Phifer    E. Talley    D. Schmidt E. Segal G. Wahl

2000    K. Fivizzani    S. Moon    E. Talley    W. Kingsley E. Segal G. Wahl

1999    R. Hathaway    S. Moon    P. Ashbrook    W. Kingsley E. Segal G. Wahl

1998    M. Solstad    S. Moon    P. Ashbrook    W. Kingsley E. Segal G. Wahl

1997    P.- Y. Lu    S. Moon    P. Ashbrook    A. Norberg E. Segal G. Wahl

1996    W. Kingsley    S. Moon    P. Ashbrook    A. Norberg R. Phifer E. Segal

1995    G. Wahl    S. Moon    P. Ashbrook    A. Norberg R. Phifer E. Segal

1994    S. Sichak    R. Hathaway    P. Ashbrook    R. Phifer E. Segal G. Wahl

1993    J. Breazeale    R. Hathaway    S. Szabo    E. Segal M. Solstad

1992    D. Marsick    R. Hathaway    S. Szabo    E. Segal M. Solstad

1991    H. Fawcett    R. Hathaway    S. Szabo    L. Phifer M. Solstad

1990    R. Alaimo    R. Hathaway    S. Szabo    L. Phifer M. Solstad

1989    P. Redden    R. Hathaway    D. Katz    E. Brown L. Phifer

1988    J. Kaufman    E. Garcia    D. Katz    E. Brown D. Walters

1987    L.J. Nicholls    E. Garcia    D. Katz    E. Brown D. Walters

1986    C. Marlowe    E. Garcia    D. Katz    L. Doemeny D. Walters

1985    L. Phifer    E. Garcia    D. Katz    L. Doemeny J. Young

1984    D. Walters    E. Garcia    D. Katz    L. Doemeny J. Young

1983    R. Scott    E. Garcia    L. Phifer    E. Becker J. Young

1982    M. Renfrew    D. Walters    L. Phifer    E. Becker H. Fawcett

1981    L. Doemeny    D. Walters    L. Phifer    E. Becker H. Fawcett

1980    J. Young    D. Walters    L. Phifer    H. Fawcett

1979    H. Fawcett    E. Becker*    E. Becker*

1978    H. Fawcett    E. Becker

Welcome to 2019!

Welcome to the Division of Chemical Health and Safety’s (CHAS) website. Our organization is an all-volunteer division of the American Chemical Society. The Division is home to chemists from industry and academia and safety professionals who are interested in the well-being of those who use chemicals (at work, in education, or at home) and the protection of the environment.

Sammye Sigmann
2019 Chair of CHAS

Through our mission to, “…provide authoritative technical resources and mentorship in chemical health and safety for all.”, we support Safety in the Chemistry Enterprise. Please take a few minutes and browse the various pages of our website to learn more about our divisional activities.

We invite you to join CHAS, which gives you access to all of the resources our division has to offer. Membership in the Division provides opportunities to network with professionals from variety of disciplines who share a common passion for industrial and research chemical safety and chemical safety education.

When you become a member, you will have access to:

Our volunteers are active in:

  • Communicating health and safety information to the greater community by our website and social media platforms,
  • Working with other ACS partners such as the Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) to produce high quality educational materials,
  • Organizing technical symposia (often co-sponsored with other divisions and/or the CCS)­­­­ at National and Regional ACS meetings,
  • Providing information on careers, education, and ACS resources in chemical health and safety by working in the ACS sponsored Expo booth at National Meetings. 

We recognize contributions from our volunteers and sponsors:

  • With several divisional awards,
  • Through social events at National meetings.

2019 looks to be a very busy year as we work with other divisions such as Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (I&EC), Chemical Education (CHED), and Analytical Chemistry (ANYL) to include safety symposia in their programing.

Wishing you a productive & safe year in your educational and/or work endeavors,

-Samuella (Sammye) Sigmann, 2019 Chair
ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety

ACS Webinar: Navigating Questions About Reproductive Health When in the Lab

October 6, 2022 @ 2:00 PM EDT

A recent analysis of the current guidance from more than 100 academic institutions’ Chemical Hygiene Plans (CHPs) indicates that the burden to implement laboratory reproductive health and safety practices is often placed on those already pregnant or planning conception. This report also found inconsistencies in the classification of potential reproductive toxins by resources generally considered to be authoritative, adding further confusion.

The publication can be found in JACS at
A Call for Increased Focus on Reproductive Health within Lab Safety Culture
Catherine P. McGeough,† Sarah Jane Mear,† and Timothy F. Jamison*

Other recent peer reviewed publications on the topic are
What to Expect When Expecting in Lab: A Review of Unique Risks and Resources for Pregnant Researchers in the Chemical Laboratory

Nature Comment on Pregnancy in the lab Feb 2022.pdf

Presenters were Robin M. Izzo, Assistant Vice President of Environmental Health and Safety at Princeton University, Dr. Rich Wittman, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Stanford Health Care, and Dr. Katie McGeough, a Graduate Student at Boston College School of Social Work, as they discuss the findings reported in the Journal of American Chemical Society and provide both environmental health and safety and medical perspectives on risks to fertility, pregnancy, and other reproductive health concerns to all people working in the laboratory.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the current state of knowledge relative to the potential reproductive health impacts of laboratory work, including chemical, biological and physical concerns 
  • Identify questions that people considering pregnancy or currently pregnant should ask about their work in the laboratory 
  • How to find and evaluate literature resources related to reproductive health issues in the lab

Webinar Presentation

  • The recording of this webinar is available to ACS members at
  • You can download the presentation file here:

The audience poll responses were:

Indicators of Success in Laboratory Safety Cultures and General Papers

Over the past decade, there has been increasing interest in improving the safety culture of laboratory settings. How do we identify and implement indicators of success of these efforts? When are quantitative cultural measurements available and when do we need to rely on qualitative indicators of movement forward? Both theoretical ideas and concrete examples of the use of this approach are welcome in this symposium. 

3745133 – Indicators of success in a safety culture, Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO, Presenter

3733703 – What’s in a name? Mapping the variability in lab safety representative positions, Sarah Zinn, Presenter; Imke Schroeder; Dr. Craig Merlic

3755577 – Factors for improving a laboratory safety coordinator (LSC) program, Kali Miller, Presenter

3754791 – Empowering student-led organizations to create effective safety policies, Angie Tse, Presenter

3738023 – Quantitative and qualitative indicators of safety culture evolution by the joint safety team, Demetra Adrahtas, Presenter; Polly Lynch; Sofia Ramirez; Brady Bresnahan; Taysir Bader

Division of Chemical Health & Safety General Papers

3752873 – Case studies and chemical safety improvements, Sandra Keyser, Presenter

3737640 – Storytelling is an art in building a “safety first” culture, Irene Cesa, Presenter; Dr. Kenneth P Fivizzani; Michael Koehler

3728705 – Vertical safety engagement through new community connections committee of the UMN joint safety team, Vilma Brandao, Presenter; Zoe Maxwell, Presenter; Jeffrey Buenaflor, Presenter; Gretchen Burke, Presenter; Steven Butler, Presenter; Xin Dong, Presenter; Nyema Harmon, Presenter; Erin Maines, Presenter; Taysir Bader; Brady Bresnahan

3752771 – Health and safety information integration: GHS 2021 version 9 in PubChem, Jian Zhang, Presenter; Evan Bolton

3754174 – Laboratory databases: Applications in safety programming, Magdalena Andrzejewska, Presenter

3748086 – Boundary Conditions- designing and operating laboratory access controls for safety, Joseph Pickel, Presenter

Safety Across the Chemical Disciplines and CHAS Awards Symposium

3741150 – Safety in the catalysis research lab, Mark Bachrach, Presenter

3754630 – Risk, safety, and troublesome territoriality: Bridging interdisciplinary divides, John G Palmer, PhD, Presenter; Brenda Palmer

3751492 – Risk-based safety education fosters sustainable chemistry education, Georgia Arbuckle-Keil, Presenter; David Finster; Ms. Samuella Sigmann, MS, CCHO; Weslene Tallmadge; Rachel Bocwinski; Marta Gmurczyk

02:00pm – 04:05pm CDT

Division of Chemical Health & Safety Awards Symposium  

Brandon Chance, Organizer, Presider

3754798 – Interdepartmental initiatives to improving campus chemical safety, Luis Barthel Rosa, Presenter

3738511 – Building and sustaining a culture of safety via ground-up approaches, Quinton Bruch, Presenter

3750224 – Safety net: Lessons in sharing safe laboratory practices, Alexander Miller, Presenter

3740645 – Governing green labs: Assembling safety at the lab bench, Susan Silbey, Presenter.

Dr. Silbey’s presentation covered laboratory safety management ideas from her recent publications:

The Nomination Process for CHAS Awards

The Division of Chemical Health and Safety, Inc. of the American Chemical Society (CHAS), is currently soliciting nominations for several awards recognizing outstanding leadership and service in the area of chemical health and safety. The deadline for all 2023 award nominations is December 1, 2022. You can download the complete guidelines for CHAS Award Nominations here.

Information about each of the CHAS awards including nomination applications and a list of past recipients can be found at the links below:

The CHAS Graduate Student Safety Leadership Award is given to recognize a graduate student researcher or recent graduate (within 3 years of latest degree) who demonstrates outstanding leadership in the area of chemical health and safety in their laboratory, research group, or department. Each year the award is dedicated to a different historical figure in chemical safety. The award consists of $2000 as an honorarium and to support travel to the fall national meeting. An optional, additional $500 will be provided to support a new or ongoing project that promotes graduate student safety at the home school.

The Howard Fawcett Chemical Health and Safety Award recognizes outstanding individual contributions to the field of Chemical Health and Safety. The award consists of a commemorative plaque and a $500 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.

The Tillmanns-Skolnik Award was established in 1984 to recognize and honor outstanding, long-term service to the Division of Chemical Health and Safety. The award consists of a commemorative plaque and a $500 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.

The Laboratory Safety Institute Graduate Research Faculty Safety Award recognizes graduate-level academic research faculty who demonstrate outstanding commitment to chemical health and safety in their laboratories. The award consists of an engraved plaque and a $1,000 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.

The SafetyStratus College and University Health and Safety Award is given to recognize the most comprehensive laboratory safety program in higher education (undergraduate study only). The College and University award consists of a commemorative plaque and a $1000 prize for expenses so that the recipient can present at an award symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.

The CHAS Student Registration Award is given to encourage student participation in CHAS programming at ACS national meetings. The award provides reimbursement in the amount of full-conference registration fee (undergraduate, graduate, or pre-college teacher student rate, as applicable). Two student registration awards are given for each ACS national meeting.

Nominations are also solicited for special service and fellow awards:

The CHAS Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a lifetime of dedication and service to the American Chemical Society, the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety, and the field of chemical health and safety.  The awardee gives a 20 – 30 minute keynote presentation at the Awards Symposium at the fall ACS national meeting.

The Fellows Awards recognize CHAS members in good standing who have provided continuous service. Nominees who meet the criteria will receive a certificate.

A Service Award is given to the immediate past division Chair at the end of their term. The chair receives an ACS past chair’s pin and plaque.

Please contact the CHAS Awards Committee Chair, Brandon Chance for more information.  Mr. Chance can be reached at  214-768-2430 or